This is not a story a real incident which happened in front of me. It is interesting but also sad news. Usually I would like to speak in the mobile at the balcony, right that time my home bell was ringing I was moving to see who is ringing the bell, its my friend who is staying near by my home, always we would like to chat in outside of my home, because we were been following this for a long time also a motive is there to chat out.. What it would be???? Tuition girls will come that side, there is a professor who is staying next to my place will take tuition, so student will come there around
Apart from that tuition center there is also another tuition center opposite to my place which is for children. The street where I’m staying will always busy because this road will connect to main road everybody would like to go by this way. This must a routine life in my area. On that day I’m talking interesting with my friend about the cricket match both had a strong discussion about the cricket. Parents will always come with children to drop them in tuition place. A lady coming on that way, she is near by that center… walking slowly... slowly looking his child face to say something, right that time a person run fast crossing her and snatches her chain ,a lady was shouting “ My chain My chain” then only everyone look goes there by hearing her loud voice. The snatcher ran fast and get in to motorbike with another person who was get ready with bike and gone in seconds. Nobody will do anything because he went in bike, lady was crying and everybody surround her and watching, she came to explain what was happened.
This is a real incident happened so Beware of your thing at any places. Always have a look around yourself with much concentration. The place where I’m staying will always have some crowd but nobody will do anything, the incident was happened in seconds without anybody knowledge.
I’m really happy about my days were passed in the college, still remembered those fun days in the college with all my friends. On my very first day to the college with my three friends who are all my school mates, actually we three are planned before to join in the same college after we finished the 12th standard successfully with a grand total. So we are going to college first day in the college bus, preferred to sit at the back seat in bus but the seniors of the college were sitting at the back seat and enjoying among them. We sat a seat before the back one, no one talking to us we really feel bad. It was a long journey to the college about 40 and above Km. I’m sitting at the aisle seat and was thinking about the school days of mine in the bus while traveling to college, student who are all getting in to bus were looking us because of new to that bus, we too look at them with a little embarrassment don’t know why??, finally we reached the college in time.
In college, the corridor was long to reach the auditorium, security was guiding us to reach the auditorium there too we preferred to sit at the back row more than 1000 students were fresher joined in the college. Fresher day function, Chairman, Director and Principle were giving the welcome address to the student and speaking about the activities, rules and regulations of the college we thought that it was a strict college and had some nerves with out showing to others, later the celebration were going there but we are looking at the girls who are all good, better and best. Then one boy who was also a fresher to that college came along with us in the bus there we introduce ourselves later he was sitting next to that girl of same bus, we are scolding that boy among ourselves that machi first day itself he put some mokkai and got here friendship da. Day one of the college was over and next day we came and sit at the same place in the auditorium, three days we are sitting like that finishes of the college procedures. In the three days I met one person who was very different from others really handsome guy showing some scene among the girls. I thought he was a scene party i.e., head weight person but i liked his style and personality later on we moved to our concern department again sitting at the back row, totally there are 90 students in my department.
My first day of the college starts there only because my school ambition was to join in engineering college by god grace I got a seat in engineering college also I got a department what I need. Everyone in the classroom had an introduction among us. My department was different from other; girls are very less in number compare to all other department. So the enjoyment were little bit high because of free of girls the days were passed on, the new friendships in the college were grown and we started more enjoyment and fun in the classroom. As we are fresher to the college seniors are watching us in a different view. We realize one thing that time in college ragging is a common one but nobody in the college not even speak to us but one day during the evening time we are going back to home seniors were called the fresher in the bus then I think of myself why don’t they call us before after that only we comes to know that exam were going right that time, after the exam was over they called the fresher and start ragging. In my bus seniors are calling one by one my friends were went and come don’t know what they asked to them. When my turn was come they called me and asked the details of my school and college also they asked my which girl do u like most in the bus, on the first day itself I noticed one girl she is really looked beautiful but don’t know the name of that girl. I told them that girl who was sitting in the second row middle girl. Seniors were looked that girl they asked DAI I know who will say that girl only, then I asked her name to them but they were not interested to tell her name later I found her name. One day a sudden change was happened in my classroom we really worried about, don’t know what to do because we only a new student to that college. We felt very sad on that day… what might be happened.. Just think of that ..will see you in the PART 2
In terms of unit shipments the industry grew 7.3% quarter-on-quarter while HP grew 5 times as much at 36.8% in terms of unit shipments. HP exceeded industry growth by ramping up 43.2% year-on-year in terms of unit shipments. HP also led Q3 2008 in terms of factory revenue, with a share of 36.9%.
In the 1-socket, 2-socket and 4-socket x86 server categories HP led the India market with 33.7%, 33.3% and 48% shares, respectively, in terms of unit shipments. In the 1-socket category, the industry grew by 112% in quarter-on-quarter, HP accounted for most of this growth, growing in terms of units by over 322% for the corresponding period.
On the India x86 Blade server front, HP garnered 58.4% of the share for units shipped in Q3 2008. In terms of unit shipments share, HP has exceeded the combined market share of its competitors in the India x86 Blade server categories. According to Amit Dalal, Server Analyst, IDC India, "We have observed a positive momentum in the India Education and SMB sectors in the last quarter. HP's marketing programmes, specifically the focus on channel training and enablement further helped it to tap into the opportunity in the 1-socket x86 server category during Q3 2008." "We are pleased to note that the market has confirmed HP as the server vendor of choice in the x86 space. These results further reinforce our commitment to deliver best-in-class products and service to our customers", said Rajesh Dhar, Country Manager, Industry Standard Servers, Hewlett Packard India Sales Pvt. Ltd. " It is our continued endeavor to deliver innovation across our entire server portfolio and provide customers with a superior IT infrastructure that helps them drive business growth, lower costs and mitigate risk."